How To Use a Zero-Based Budget

How To Use a Zero-Based Budget

With a budget, everything else flows. A spending plan is a quick way to achieve your financial goal, get out of debt, or take control of your money. UBOMI recommends a zero-based budget and here’s how you can use it.

Strictly following a monthly budget is one of the better ways to utilise your income. Moreover, if you want to recover from your debt, you can include it in your spending list.

Zero-based budget

Zero-based budgeting is to make income minus the outgo (savings + expenses) equal zero. Based on surveys, those who practice the zero-based budget save 18% more money and pay off 19% more debt.

Every dollar has to go somewhere. This is to allot your income to your expenses and savings until it’s zero.

Income – (expenses + savings) = zero

Here are suggested expense categories you can work on. You can modify these according to your circumstances.

  • Savings
  • Debt
  • Utilities
  • Food
  • Health/medical
  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • School
  • Personal
  • Recreation
  • Pocket money
  • Charity
  • Miscellaneous

Money savers

Start to cut down if you spend more than you make monthly. Creating a shopping list, planning a weekly menu, eating at home, and turning off unused appliances are some of the most effective money-saving tips you can do.

Here are some money-saving activities that can help with your budget:

  • Utilities — Turn off the lights each time you leave your house, or even a room. To help keep your electric bill down, take advantage of natural sunlight.
  • Groceries — deals, vouchers, and coupons are some of the best ways to save money. Furthermore, make a shopping list before you go to the supermarket to avoid unplanned spending.
  • Eat at home — it’s so expensive to dine out. You better just eat at home. You can also save leftovers for packed lunch for school or work the day after.
  • Cutting down on watching television — it is another way to save money. It also lessens your exposure to ads, which encourage you to spend more.
  • DIY beauty procedures — spa treatments can easily add up to your expenses. Go online and look for DIY beauty treatments and home remedies using common household products.

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